Once macOS has booted up again, open the iMessage app and attempt to send another message. Click Restart to carry out the reboot process. This guide will also work if you already have problems with iCloud and/or the Mac App Store and will fix them too. To restart your Mac: Click on the Apple menu, featuring the Apple logo, that can be found in the top left of the Mac display. However, the Mac’s Messages app will fail to send text messages if you haven’t enabled the Text Message Forwarding feature on your iPhone. That could be enough to get iMessage to work on Mac again. only messages in mac ( seems cannot connect to the server or something is wrong with the appleid for messages server) and in my iphone, everytime i try to re-loggin again my old appleid, it sends messages and receive. i have the same problem as yours, icloud is all working thru mac and idevices. If a contact shows up in green, then you must rely on regular text messages to communicate. try to change your apple id to a new one just for imessage. The next troubleshooting tip should show you how. If you don’t see the option, you must enable Text Message Forwarding. You can also select the Send as Text Message option to send the message as a text message. iMessage has become an essential app for users who dont like to use Whatsapp but want that cross-platform messaging capability between iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Select the red exclamation mark next to an undelivered message, and select Try Again. iMessage is accessible through the Messages app on an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 5 or later, or on a Mac running OS X Mountain Lion or later. If an iMessage contact doesn’t have internet connectivity, your messages may not go through. The phone number or email address under Start new conversations from should also match the one found within Settings > Messages > Send & Receive on your iPhone.